
MIS Center (Minimally Invasive Surgery)

Nonthavej Hospital is one of the first private Thai hospitals which offers laparoscopic surgery as a treatment alternative. Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS) Technology Center combines the delicate skills of specialized medical personnel and medical innovation. With this technique, the patients have a tiny incision, suffer less pain, recover quickly, have shorter stay at the hospital, and are less exposed to infection risk. In addition, for some specific treatments, Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS) Technology Center performs laparoscopic surgery with 3D full high definition technology. The 4-direction camera allows the surgeon to clearly see the inside of organs and tissues. It adds precision and safety to the surgery, reduces surgical pain, minimizes recovery period, and helps patients to quickly get back to their daily life.

Minimally Invasive Surgery Technology Center (MIS) : Medical Team