Optical provides general and specific treatments for all eye-related diseases and symptoms by ophthalmologists specialized in eye diseases. We have innovative medical tools and equipment for diagnosis and treatment. The medical team is specialized in all eye-related diseases, such as;
Cosmetic eye surgery
Comprehensive visual acuity test
Treatment of all eye diseases
Visual acuity test for children
Visual test and amblyopia screening for children
Eye examination, treatment and surgery for children patients
Eye muscle examination, treatment and surgery for children and adult patients
All types of eye surgeries
Retina surgery
Cosmetic eye surgery
Eyelid corrective surgery and cosmetic eyelid surgery
Lacrimal corrective surgery
Eye socket corrective surgery
Cornea transplant
Cataract surgery with high-frequency ultrasound machine and intraocular lenses implant
Glaucoma surgery
Eye prosthesis
Eye disease screening
Cosmetic Eye Surgery
All types of eyelid corrective surgeries and cosmetic eyelid surgery
Lacrimal corrective surgery
Eye socket corrective surgery
Hearing & Balance
provides diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation for diseases in relation to hearing, balance and vertigo for children and adult patients. The clinic provides diagnosis and treatment for all abnormalities in relation to ear, throat and nose, for example;
Ear and hearing diseases, e.g. otitis media, earache, tinnitus, hearing defect, abnormal noise in the ear, vertigo, etc.
Diseases of mouth, throat, and larynx, e.g. tonsillitis, pharyngitis, chronic cough, hoarseness (hoarse voice), thyroid disorders, etc.
Nasal cavity diseases, e.g. rhinitis, sinusitis, allergy, dysosmia (disorder of olfactory perception)
All types of ear, throat or nose cancers or tumors
Snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)
Ear, throat or nose examination for children patients
Endoscopic examination
Minor or major ear, throat or nose surgery
Middle ear surgery
Endoscopic sinus surgery
Inner ear and Central Nervous System (CNS) examination
Larynx examination and speech disorder diagnosis
Ear, throat or nasal endoscopy
Olfactory perception test
Speech therapy
Hearing test
Balance test
Hearing rehabilitation
Training of postural control by posturography
Sleep test for diagnosis and severity assessment of sleep-related diseases, e.g. snoring, breathing problems, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)
Ear, throat and nose examination covers;
Otitis media
Ear diseases, tinnitus
Abnormal noise in the ear
Hearing loss
Foreign object in the ear
Middle ear examination for divers and pilots
Balance test
Hearing aid
Sore throat
Chronic throat ulcers
Hoarseness (hoarse voice)
Swelling salivary gland
Allergy and sinusitis
Ear, throat and nose treatment covers;
Thyroid gland surgery
Tonsils surgery
Uvula surgery
Sinusitis surgery
Nasal polyps
Tumor in the neck or head
Throat cancer
Abnormal neck lump
Sinus surgery